Episode 1: Debt Distress in the Developing World with Rafael Romeu, Dan Runde, and Anka Lee

Rafael Romeu, Dan Runde, and Anka Lee speak at a desk.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 60 percent of low-income developing countries are at high risk of or already in a debt crisis. This should be extremely concerning to the development community as many of the advances enabled by foreign assistance risk being wiped out by the debt emergencies threatening the developing world. As development practitioners, how do we navigate these muddy waters, especially considering that much of the debt in the developing world is held by the PRC and commercial lenders? This question is at the heart of the conversation featured in this podcast that includes DevTech CEO Rafael Romeu as moderator and Senior Vice President at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Daniel Runde and USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator and Senior Advisor on the People’s Republic of China Anka Lee as panelists.

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