DevTech has been awarded the Evaluation of Econ@State Web Portal by the Department of State’s (DoS) Office of Economic Policy and Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB/EPPD). This task order was awarded under the DoS Performance Management and Evaluation Services IDIQ, Functional Area 7.
The Econ@State Web Portal provides information to improve knowledge management for economic personnel at DoS, at home and abroad. Under this contract DevTech will evaluate the effectiveness of the Econ@State Web Portal on informing State Department personnel about priority campaigns, the most significant economic issues and whether or not it’s fulfilling its mission of covering the e-learning gap where State-sponsored or other training sources lack resources. Throughout the evaluation, the DevTech Team will examine the content of the Web Portal, the needs of the users, the layout and design, and the overall effectiveness of mechanism. DevTech’s evaluation will direct EB’s future resourcing and programming related to Econ@State.