A new U.S. government program to strengthen the Government of Morocco’s (GoM) system of teacher preparation in Deaf Education across the country has been awarded to DevTech Systems, Inc.
Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the four-year Morocco Inclusive Education Teacher Training Activity seeks to improve the quality of education for Deaf children and youth in Morocco. To meet this goal, the project aims to sustainably improve the performance and capacity of Moroccan higher education institutions and regional teacher training centers to provide quality teacher preparation and professional development in bi-lingual Deaf education.
“This project is a testament to the Government of Morocco’s commitment to equity and equality in the education system while meeting the educational needs of the country’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing populations,” says Dr. Rafael Romeu, President and CEO of DevTech. “Through the partnership with USAID, our team is ready to support Morocco’s commitment to creating solutions that build capacity, strengthen partnerships, and address complex policy challenges–the cornerstone of DevTech’s mission.”
Dr. Randy Hatfield, Director of DevTech’s Education, Gender and Youth Practice says “we are thrilled to be working with Moroccan key counterparts, especially in putting educators in the Deaf community in the lead to uphold a key principle—’Nothing about us, without us’. This new project also offers an exciting opportunity to implement USAID’s Universal Design Learning principles that emphasize engagement, representation, action, and expression.”
DevTech will implement the program with the University of Tennessee, Center on Deafness which for the past 84 years has provided teacher preparation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing educators in the US and abroad.
Together, they will provide technical assistance and collaborate with the GoM in the development, roll-out, and tracking of teacher preparation, institutional strengthening and implementation of policies to incorporate international best practices for inclusive education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in Morocco.
For further information contact: Kaitlin Dominski kdominski@devtechsys.com