USAID Zambia Education Data Activity Delivers Comprehensive Results

Zambia Education Data Activity closing event participants, including DevTech CEO Rafael Romeo; USAID/Zambia Mission Director Peter Wiebler; the Honorable Minister of Education, Mr. Douglas Syakalima, MP; Examinations Council of Zambia Director Michael Chilala.
Zambia Education Data Activity closing event participants, including DevTech CEO Rafael Romeo; USAID/Zambia Mission Director Peter Wiebler; the Honorable Minister of Education, Mr. Douglas Syakalima, MP; Examinations Council of Zambia Director Michael Chilala,; and the USAID Zambia Education Activity team.

DECEMBER , 8 2022

LUSAKA – After almost five years of collaboration with the Zambian Ministry of Education, the USAID Education Data Activity, implemented by DevTech Systems, Inc., has delivered on its mandate to facilitate in-depth, advanced educational assessments in Zambia.

Since April 2018, the USAID Education Data Activity worked closely with both the Ministry of Education and the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) to measure and improve learning performance in early-grade reading and early childhood education in Zambia. The project conducted two large-scale Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRAs) in November 2018 and November 2021.  The assessments measured the reading skills, including letter names, letter sounds, and the ability to read fluently of approximately 30,000 Grade 2 learners in Southern, Western, North-western, Eastern and Muchinga provinces.

The 2021 EGRA and the ECZ-led national assessment revealed that learners have low basic foundational reading skills required for meaningful learning – such as identifying letters and phonetic sounds. The assessments revealed that only 4.6 percent of learners meet the Ministry of Education’s minimum reading benchmarks set for children at Grade 2 level.  This was due in part to the prolonged school closures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, the assessment provided a solid foundation of data that showed where students are falling behind, which can guide the next stages of Zambia’s educational development agenda to address those shortcomings.

In addition to the reading assessment, the USAID Education Data Activity partnered with the ECZ’s Research Unit in several capacity-sharing projects in research design, data collection, and analysis using technology platforms.  As the five-year project draws to a close, ECZ is now better positioned to continue maximizing technology tools and training provided by DevTech through the USAID Education Data Activity to support ongoing work in national assessments.

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