DevTech attends 33rd Annual American Evaluation Association Conference

DevTech recently attended the 33rd Annual American Evaluation Association Conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This year’s conference theme, “Paths to the Future of Evaluation,” introduced during the conference’s welcoming plenary session, put a strong emphasis on the importance of evaluation to “provide trusted, credible, evidence-based, and balanced conclusions” for informed decision making in an era “where facts are heavily debated through ideological lenses and where people have difficulty finding common ground.”

Representing DevTech at our exhibitor booth were Stephanie Bishop and Ligia Perez. It was a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and partners in the monitoring & evaluation (M&E) field and learn about what other M&E professionals are working on and the innovative approaches they are testing.

Dr. Reuben Hermoso and Marisa Acierno of DevTech’s M&E team also attended the conference and co-led a presentation with Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization (CSO) Ms. Sarah McLaughlin. The team presented findings from an ongoing DOS-funded impact evaluation implemented by DevTech to measure the overall impact of 18 countering violent extremism programs in Kenya and Tanzania under the CSO’s Counterterrorism Partnership Fund (CTPF).

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