DevTech Conducts Trafficking in Persons Endline Evaluation

DevTech is currently conducting the endline performance evaluation for the Department of State’s, Office to Monitor and Combat the Trafficking in Persons (TIP), partnership with the Ghana Child Protection Compact (CPC). Ghana was ranked as a Tier 2 country Watch List on the U.S. Department of State’s (DoS) Trafficking in Persons Report, where it has remained since 2018 when DevTech conducted the midline evaluation for the project. The purpose of this project is to improve the Government of Ghana’s (GOG) capacity to identify child trafficking, implement a coordinated inter-agency response that results in comprehensive care and reintegration of child trafficking victims, prevent re-trafficking of child victims, and effectively investigate trafficking allegations and prosecute traffickers. Our team has traveled throughout the country into conduct focus group discussions and interview various governmental and non – governmental entities to determine the progress the partnership has made in improving the countries ability to respond to child trafficking, protect victims and prosecute traffickers. We are excited to be working with and learning about the progress implementer partners and community workers have made since we were in Ghana two years ago, and look forward to sharing the results of the evaluation upon completion of the project!

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